✍🏽 Selected writing
- Does Sustainability Have A Scent? Advances In Bioengineering Create Environmentally Responsible Musk (2021)
- Next on the Menu: Cellular Agriculture Could “Domesticate” Any Animal on the Planet (2021)
- An Interest in SynBio - The Perspective of a Canadian High School Student (2021)
- The Future of Digital Data Storage Lies in DNA (2020)
- Biological Computing or Computational Biology: What's the Difference? (2020)
- A Primer on Protein Engineering (2020)
- Vous voulez donc en savoir plus sur le féminisme? (2020)
- L’utilisation des insultes à l’école (2020)
- Est-ce que le présentisme est raisonnable? (2020)
For more of my words, feel free to subscribe to my Substack!
🗣️ Selected talks
- Computational Neuroscience for Functional Disorders | Internship Presentation (2021)
- How Can We Create Fashionable Change? | Cleaner Oceans Institute (2021)
- Why Do We Believe In Conspiracy Theories? | Ammielle Wambo Becker (2021)
- Biocomputing #2 ft. Ammielle Wambo & Anna Heck (2021)
- Biocomputing #1 ft. Ammielle Wambo & Anna Heck (2021)
- Antifragility with Ammielle Wambo Becker — Mindset of the Week (2021)